Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Riley's 1st Christmas

Riley sittin on presents because we were running out of room!
Santa Baby!

What am I eating? Nothing.....

Sweet Riley baby with her 'baby's first Christmas' hat

How we spent Christmas morning at Childrens Hospital... Poor sickers Riley!

Christmas already? It's hard to believe Riley is already nearly 8 months old! We celebrated her 1st Christmas in what was meant to be our 'traditional way' but ended up being quite non traditional in nearly all aspects!
Christmas Eve we headed over to Smoochies house for munchies and presents, Riley actually did quite well pulling on the wrapping paper and had fun with all her new toys (but mostly Smoochies old toys!). We spent our time with Smoochie, Grampa Chuck, Ryan & Mysty and then headed home for some much needed sleep... that we ended up not really getting. Riley ended up waking up several times throughout the early morning sick to her tummy, when things seemed to be getting worse and not better we packed ourselves into the car and headed to Childrens Hospital (quite non traditional, eh?). The nurses and Drs were really impressed with how calm Riley was and how she let them do whatever it was they wanted to, she was such a big girl! Someone had donated some 'pillow pals' to the hospital so they gave Riles this huge pillow duck, she loved it! That was her first Christmas present of the day since she was too sick to even want to look at hers at home.

We didn't stay at the hospital long, they gave her some anti nausea medicine and pedialite and then sent us on our way. Since we had missed our traditional family breakfast with Dave's family we still swung by Aunti Di's (Riley's babysitter and Dave's sister) where she got to cuddle with her Auntie and open a few presents there. We had a good couple hours at home and then went to David's moms for Christmas dinner. Riley was in pretty good spirits and had fun opening a few presents, then she got tired so I ended up behind a WALL of presents for her that I got to open and play with :) Riley is much better now, and was even nice enough to give me that tummy bug of hers - it sure packs a punch (that's why we're a few days late with this blog!). Anyway, I hope you enjoy the couple pictures and had a very Merry Christmas & have a great New Year!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hopefully the last hospital update on my mom!

Hopefully today or tomorrow my mom will be released from the hospital! Whoohoo! I know she's going stir crazy in there!

Her chest tube should be removed today and if all goes well she could go home this afternoon. I stopped by and spent some time with her last night and I think she's actually doing pretty well. We went for a walk trying to see Christmas lights out of the window (which was a bummer we couldn't see any) and just had a good time talking between the two of us. I called her on my way home from work and I could tell she sounded bummed so I took a detour and headed back towards the hospital; after I left the nurse that came in to take her vitals said that she could tell my mom just lit up when I got there. I'm so glad I was able to help put a smile on her face and ease the annoyance of being stuck in the hospital for days on end!

I'm so excited for her to be getting out!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday update

Hi All!

So the good news it my mom is doing good. They removed the probes that were her constant supply of medication which seemed to cause some pain, but, after they found a happy medium she seems to be doing okay again. She is still having some leakage from her lymph system ( I think that's what it is anyway!) but they think it's getting better. They're letting her have liquids today and possibly food tomorrow, so it looks like the soonest she'll be released is Tuesday.

David, Riley and I went for a visit yesterday - mom says that Riley is the best medicine & she certainly proved to be when she couldn't stop giving her Smoochie kisses!

Hope all is well with everyone, time to go finish the Christmas decorations!

Friday, December 12, 2008


My mom called me again this morning sounding FANTASTIC! She's feeling good, sounds good and the best news..... The tests came back and she is CANCER FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sounds like they'll still do some chemo in about a month after she has healed just incase there are some microscopic pieces in there; I'm so glad they're doing everything they can to get rid of every last bit! Chuck told me that her eye looks great (woohoo again!) and the Drs are really impressed with how she's recovering.... She was so sleepy after her surgery last week but now she's more alert and feeling so much better.

I think Riley is sooper excited that her Smoochie is going to be around much longer :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day after surgery update....

Hi All!

So this morning on my way to work I got a, quite surprisingly, cheery phone call from my mom. She sounded great, still a little tired, but she just sounded really good. Her calling me was deffinitely a plus! She's been so drugged up the last week which has been pretty tough on her memory and ability to stay awake, I think she's really looking forward to conciousness!

Her hospital room is full of flowers and stuffed animals - I know that they have given her plenty of smiles so thanks to all of you who have sent messages, made phone calls and kept her in your prayers!

As always, feel free to call or text my cell for any information! 303-981-7004

Ooh, I almost forgot! I've had several requests for St. Josephs information so here you go, but please be considerate if you call to keep your conversations short so she can get the rest she needs and head home as soon as possible (still looking like Sunday/Monday depending on pain).
1835 Franklin Street - Denver, CO 80218 - 303.837.7111. If you need specific information like how to spell her last name or her room number I can give that to you in a seperate e-mail (for privacy reasons!).

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Smoochie Update

Today my mom had her 2nd surgery to remove the rest of the tumor that was unable to be removed last week. Her surgery started at 8:30 and ended about 5 hours later. Her surgeon removed a part of her first rib, was able to navigate around the nerves and is confident that they were able to remove all the cancer. They needed to separate a nerve in order to get to the rest of the tumor that he thinks may result in Horner Syndrome, a slight droop of her left eye lid. His theory is giving her life by removing the tumor is much better than stopping at the nerve to stop a little droop.... I have to say I agree with him!

Her epidural was removed since it wouldn't affect the new area that this surgery was performed in, but they did insert some probes that will deliver anesthetic automatically for the next 72 hours. The hospital will release her probably over the weekend or next Monday, depending on her pain.

She seemed in good spirits this morning before the surgery, I'm sure she's ready to have all this done and over with! Thank you to all who kept her in your prayers, I'll keep posting as I have updates!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Riley's Smoochie....

Most of you all know that my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer about two months ago. After several months of shoulder and arm pain the Dr's found a Pancoast tumor on her right lung that had been pressing against her nerves causing all the pain. First of all, it's a good thing that it was pressing against the nerve because this type of tumor usually goes unnoticed until it's too late to treat.

My mom went through 5 weeks of radiation Monday-Friday and two stints of chemo the first Monday-Monday and the last Monday-Monday of the radiation treatment. The tumor shrunk from 4.5cm to 2.5cm! That result is more than what the Dr's were looking for! The location of the tumor is in the back, high on her right lung (basically inside and outside the lung behind a mass of nerves, veins and arteries making what they call a 'birds nest'). On Wednesday, December 3rd, her surgeon went through her right side and removed the tumor. Unfortunately the tumor had lodged itself up against the chest cavity and the surgeon was not able to remove all of the cancer without damaging the nerves to her arm. However, there was a neurosurgeon that feels they can go through another path and he can help navigate through the nerves and remove the rest of the cancer in her chest cavity. He will be joining my moms surgical staff tomorrow for her 2nd surgery to remove the rest of the cancer, HOPEFULLY.

The hospital seems to be doing well at managing her pain and she seems to be in good spirits, just quite tired! Like mother like daughter, yesterday my mom spent her 2nd wedding anniversary in the hospital (I was @ the same hospital for pancreatitis on my 2nd anniversary!). Chuck seems to be handling everything really well and is taking great care of my mom.

I will be taking tomorrow off work and will be able to provide updates for anyone wishing to have one. Feel free to call my cell or send a text message - 303-981-7004.

Hope all is well with you all, please wish best wishes for my mom!

Long overdue update!

Whew! Well this is long overdue! The last month and a half has been full of chaos and surprises, so let's see if we can't catch up, shall we?

First things first, Riley is doing awesome! She crawls, rolls, maneuvers... somehow gets to the other end of a room quite quickly! She doesn't fully crawl on hands and knees, it's more of a crawl & sit, crawl & sit, crawl & climb up on something. The girl LOVES to stand!! She turns 7 months tomorrow and stands quite well, even takes steps when she's holding onto your hands. We had to move her crib mattress down once I walked into her room and saw her nearly bending over the top of her crib! She's wearing 9 and 12 month pants and overalls already, her long little legs make the 6-9 month size she's supposed to be in look like Capri's (she definitely got the height gene from David!).

She started eating solid foods just before 6 months old and she barely ate it, we started her on step two foods (with little chunks & new flavors) this week and she chows down! She loves to taste new things and stares you down when you're eating until you give her a taste (she loves BBQ sauce!). When we set her on the floor after about a minute she entertains herself with 'ba ba ba bababa ba ba ba bababa', lately she's been throwing in a random 'ma' and 'ga' along with her rambles.

About a week ago she learned how to give kisses, now if you ask for one she looks at you like it's so much work and then kisses you with her mouth open. It's adorable. She's also learning how to clap with her hands open instead of her fists together and to stick out her tongue.. Haha, I tried showing her how to stick it out and she did it once, then when Peyton (one of our dogs) walked up Riles licked her! I think the tongue thing is going to take a little more work :)
That's about all the Riles updates for now, I'll do my best to keep you all updated a little better!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Riley's 1st Halloween!!

Riles and Momma:
Riley's bag from Boo @ the Zoo

Riley with her 'fav' cousin Melodeigh (they all say they're her favorite!):

Momma's little lamb:

Riley with Cousin Gabi... It looks like Riley is trying to tell Gabi "it's okay!"
Halloween with Riles was totally fun! On the 25th we took her to Boo @ the Zoo all dressed up in her little lamb costume, we got SOOOOO many comments on how cute she was. I honestly couldn't count the number of "awww's" and "ooh look at the little lamb's" I heard that day. Riley wasn't too interested in the animals but the bag they handed her was awesome!
On Halloween I picked her up from Diana's and took her 'trick or treating' to my favorite teachers house, her Papa Dave's and Smoochies (followed by two neighbors that I just had to show her off to). She actually really enjoyed her costume and slept really good after all her adventures!
Enjoy the photos!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Getting Ready for Halloween!

Mommy's Pumpkin Cutie!
Punkin' Cutie Pie, anyone?
Riley's GQ pose in the pumpkin:

She was such a good sport for Momma! At first she was quite confused, and then she decided she liked the taste. When I took her out she threw the biggest fit we have seen yet, she truly wanted back in her pumpkin! We think she wanted to be Cinderella... lil' princess!

Riley has really been developing her personality lately, she has the biggest smile and loves to laugh. Her favorite song is Old McDonald and 'peek a boo' is no longer a mystery. She's still trying really hard to crawl, she's actually been moving herself backwards rather than forwards which is really frustrating for her! Standing seems to be the ultimate thing and she loves to just look at everything.

I made homemade applesauce and homemade carrots for her last week. The applesauce seemed to be made with apples that were more tart that sweet so watching the faces she makes has become quite ammusing, lol. Now we mix it with her rice cereal and she seems to really enjoy it. The carrots, well, that's a different story... Just like her daddy with her dislike for veggies (so far!).

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Creeping up on 5 months...

Riles gettin' kisses
Layin' on Charlie
Eating Charlie....

She's gettin so big!
Riley with her cousin Gabi (Riley 5 months, Gabi 1 year)
So this last couple weeks has been pretty big for us, Riley has stopped cosleeping with Mommy and Daddy and now sleeps alone in her crib. She also is able to fall asleep in there without having to be rocked to sleep first (it is a work in progress, but none the less better than it has been!). We had her photos taken by an awesome photographer about a month ago who did a GREAT job however our service was aweful and we ended up getting 3 CDs of the wrong children when they were supposed to be Riley so we ended up just taking them all back. I did scan one of our wallets so I'll post it, everyone seems to love it! Next month we'll have 6 month photos taken of her so we can send them with Christmas cards (that makes Christmas sound SO CLOSE!).

Riley's attempt at crawling is getting better everyday. She's able to pull her legs up under her but doesn't understand the concept of keeping herself supported by her arms so she just kind of face plants - it really is gettin better though!

Hope you all are well and enjoy the photos!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Clash of the NFL

Riley's attack mode:
Riles & Smoochie
Broncos or Raiders? I'm so confused!
So last week we posted a photo of Riles in her Broncos chearleader outfit, this week is a little different. This week she's rooting for Daddy's team!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Big Steps!
Riley and Daddy (the look on her face cracks me up!) Riley trying to eat the camera

Big Girl Riley sleeping on Daddy

4 months

I'm so glad that many of you have been checkin up on Miss Riley through this blog! I know that it's irritating to have to create an account in order to post a comment so feel free to check out my MySpace page (www.myspace.com/itstufbnsunshine) where there are more photos or you can e-mail us at KimmieJarrett@msn.com.

So Riley is creaping up on 4.5 months and is growing like crazy! She LOVES to play on the floor and roll over and tries so hard to crawl, I'm pretty sure it's not going to take too much longer before she succeeds. She gets so excited when you let her 'walk' and takes these HUGE steps (you'll see in a posted photo before this blog), sometimes she forgets to switch legs and trips herself up but thinks it's the funniest thing ever. She has started blowing raspberries and giggles so big when they're blown on her cheek or tummy.

She's back to sleeping through the night (that got messed up while I was in the hospital) so thankfully David and I are getting bigger chunks of sleep now! We were supposed to have her most recent photos by Friday but they haven't called us yet, be sure to check back though and I'll post some here and all on my MySpace.

Hope things are well with you all!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Catching Up!

Wow it's been a while!! Sorry I haven't been able to keep this updated, as most of you know I've been in and out of the hospital the past month with my gallbladder removal and then pancreatitis.... it's been a rough recovery but I'm feeling great now!

I'm finally able to play on the floor with Riley which I LOVE because the girl rolls over like it's nobodys business! She's able to sit up on her own for at least a few seconds, LOVES to sit up and look around and wants to crawl so bad but her dang belly just seems to be in the way. She just turned 4 months old a few days ago and you can already see the whites of her teeth trying to pop out of those little gums. I really can't believe how much she's grown already and how well she's developing.

She can eat a small bowl of rice cereal like a pro already! Later this week she'll get to try the baby oatmeal cereal and the Dr said we can start letting her have a little juice if we wanted and could even puree banana into her cereal if we wanted. I'm thinking the juice and fruits are still probably going to wait a little bit, I'm in no hurry for this lil girl to grow up so big!

About 2 weeks before she turned 4 months I took Riley and had her ears pierced. I figured I'd rather do it now when I can clean them and take care of them before she even knows she has ears. She only cried for a little bit and it started because of the coldness of the alcohol swab, lol. So far my theory has worked great, she doesn't touch her ears and they're healing nicely (knock on wood). They look adorable too!! They're the perfect accent for those big Jarrett ears!

At her 4 month appointment she weighed 14.5 lbs and was 26.5 inches long, she's in the 67th percentile for weight and 99th for height. The Dr called her a 'tall skinny baby' but 67th percentile sounds pretty good to me!

Friday, July 25, 2008

11 weeks

David and I have seriously lucked out with Miss Riley. She is SUCH a good sleeper and wakes up with the biggest smiles every morning. It has actually come to the point where we have the camera ready to catch those huge smiles and sleepy eyes, she's just so adorable!

Things with her 'day care' have been going great and David and I are extremely fortunate that we have family able to take care of her. She is already quite the social butterfly and doesn't seem to mind anyone... except her Grampa, lol. We're at 11 weeks now and she seems to getting taller every day and the cheeks get chunkier by the minute!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

2 months old today!

Miss Riley is 2 months old today! She had her first shower (mommy was running late and maybe a little lazy), she did great - just a little confused.

She also had her 2 month vaccines, I'm not sure which ticked her off more, the fact that she had to stop eating for the mean lady or that the mean lady was poking her with needles! Once she was picked up she calmed down pretty quick and when she got to eat again it was like everything was right in the world. She now weighs 11lbs 5.2oz and is 23 1/2 inches tall; the size of her head is in the 50th percentile, her weight is in the 60 somethingth percentile and her height is in the 86th percentile (gee, I wonder where she gets that from).

After her Drs appt David took her to our nephew Jake's baseball game where she was adorably sporting their team colors blue & yellow. I can only wonder if the bow stayed on her head to show she really is a girl (I thought I was going to have to thump the nurse that kept calling her him today!). I've started making hairbows like a crazy woman, never really thought making hairbows would be the most relaxing part of my day! I'll have to get some pictures posted so ya'll can see just how adorable she is with them....

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

8 weeks already... Miss Riley is getting SO BIG! I just can not believe how much my little chunk-a-monk is growing! She actually doesn't look so small when David holds her anymore! We really don't have too many updates so I'll just share some pictures - I'm slackin a little the past couple weeks but I'll do my best to get some more soon. Feel free to leave comments!