Layin' on Charlie
Eating Charlie....
She's gettin so big!
Riley with her cousin Gabi (Riley 5 months, Gabi 1 year)
So this last couple weeks has been pretty big for us, Riley has stopped cosleeping with Mommy and Daddy and now sleeps alone in her crib. She also is able to fall asleep in there without having to be rocked to sleep first (it is a work in progress, but none the less better than it has been!). We had her photos taken by an awesome photographer about a month ago who did a GREAT job however our service was aweful and we ended up getting 3 CDs of the wrong children when they were supposed to be Riley so we ended up just taking them all back. I did scan one of our wallets so I'll post it, everyone seems to love it! Next month we'll have 6 month photos taken of her so we can send them with Christmas cards (that makes Christmas sound SO CLOSE!).
Riley's attempt at crawling is getting better everyday. She's able to pull her legs up under her but doesn't understand the concept of keeping herself supported by her arms so she just kind of face plants - it really is gettin better though!
Hope you all are well and enjoy the photos!
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