Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Long overdue update!

Whew! Well this is long overdue! The last month and a half has been full of chaos and surprises, so let's see if we can't catch up, shall we?

First things first, Riley is doing awesome! She crawls, rolls, maneuvers... somehow gets to the other end of a room quite quickly! She doesn't fully crawl on hands and knees, it's more of a crawl & sit, crawl & sit, crawl & climb up on something. The girl LOVES to stand!! She turns 7 months tomorrow and stands quite well, even takes steps when she's holding onto your hands. We had to move her crib mattress down once I walked into her room and saw her nearly bending over the top of her crib! She's wearing 9 and 12 month pants and overalls already, her long little legs make the 6-9 month size she's supposed to be in look like Capri's (she definitely got the height gene from David!).

She started eating solid foods just before 6 months old and she barely ate it, we started her on step two foods (with little chunks & new flavors) this week and she chows down! She loves to taste new things and stares you down when you're eating until you give her a taste (she loves BBQ sauce!). When we set her on the floor after about a minute she entertains herself with 'ba ba ba bababa ba ba ba bababa', lately she's been throwing in a random 'ma' and 'ga' along with her rambles.

About a week ago she learned how to give kisses, now if you ask for one she looks at you like it's so much work and then kisses you with her mouth open. It's adorable. She's also learning how to clap with her hands open instead of her fists together and to stick out her tongue.. Haha, I tried showing her how to stick it out and she did it once, then when Peyton (one of our dogs) walked up Riles licked her! I think the tongue thing is going to take a little more work :)
That's about all the Riles updates for now, I'll do my best to keep you all updated a little better!


Pama said...

yummmmm dog tongue - best get on her now before she acquires an addiction for dog kisses! ;-))

Wilson News said...

Awwww! I cannot believe she is that old now! She's getting so big! Precious too! Of course she is! Dah! :o)