Sunday, April 26, 2009

Riley Anne - 11 months and counting!

Again, sorry for taking so long to post! I think I need more reminders about this blog :)

As of today Riley will be a whopping ONE YEAR OLD in only TWO WEEKS! Can you believe how much time has flown? I have enjoyed every bit of this year with her, no matter how you feel she is sure to put a smile on your face! Right now her vocabulary consists of "MamaMama", "Dadeeee" "Do-eee" (Doggy, which if you ask her what they say she will say 'woof' and when you ask what they do she will pant for you), "Who's that?" "Whuz that?" and "Oh YEAH!". She's been walking for a couple months and pretty much given up on crawling too. Climbing over anything is so cool to her but her ultimate favorite right now is the swing set we got for her. She LOVES LOVES LOVES the swing! She even pumps her little legs to try and go higher, it's too cute! The swing set also has two slides, one of which is a little taller than the other, on the big slide today she sat at the top and leaned forward to make her way down all on her own (w/ me at the bottom to catch her of course!).

For her birthday I'm hoping to get her into a 'Little Gym' that does tumbling and games, I think she would love it (at least for the $ she better love it!). I'll be sure to post pictures if I'm able to get her in!

Anyway, here are some photos from Easter and on her swing set.

1 comment:

RichFam said...

LOVE the pics! And I can NOT believe she will already be 1!!!

We put Rebekah in the Lil Gym when she was 3... she absolutely LOVED it! And, as brave as Riley seems to be to go on the slide by herself, I am thinking she will love the Lil Gym, too. :o)