Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Getting Ready for Halloween!

Mommy's Pumpkin Cutie!
Punkin' Cutie Pie, anyone?
Riley's GQ pose in the pumpkin:

She was such a good sport for Momma! At first she was quite confused, and then she decided she liked the taste. When I took her out she threw the biggest fit we have seen yet, she truly wanted back in her pumpkin! We think she wanted to be Cinderella... lil' princess!

Riley has really been developing her personality lately, she has the biggest smile and loves to laugh. Her favorite song is Old McDonald and 'peek a boo' is no longer a mystery. She's still trying really hard to crawl, she's actually been moving herself backwards rather than forwards which is really frustrating for her! Standing seems to be the ultimate thing and she loves to just look at everything.

I made homemade applesauce and homemade carrots for her last week. The applesauce seemed to be made with apples that were more tart that sweet so watching the faces she makes has become quite ammusing, lol. Now we mix it with her rice cereal and she seems to really enjoy it. The carrots, well, that's a different story... Just like her daddy with her dislike for veggies (so far!).

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