Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Riley's 1st Christmas

Riley sittin on presents because we were running out of room!
Santa Baby!

What am I eating? Nothing.....

Sweet Riley baby with her 'baby's first Christmas' hat

How we spent Christmas morning at Childrens Hospital... Poor sickers Riley!

Christmas already? It's hard to believe Riley is already nearly 8 months old! We celebrated her 1st Christmas in what was meant to be our 'traditional way' but ended up being quite non traditional in nearly all aspects!
Christmas Eve we headed over to Smoochies house for munchies and presents, Riley actually did quite well pulling on the wrapping paper and had fun with all her new toys (but mostly Smoochies old toys!). We spent our time with Smoochie, Grampa Chuck, Ryan & Mysty and then headed home for some much needed sleep... that we ended up not really getting. Riley ended up waking up several times throughout the early morning sick to her tummy, when things seemed to be getting worse and not better we packed ourselves into the car and headed to Childrens Hospital (quite non traditional, eh?). The nurses and Drs were really impressed with how calm Riley was and how she let them do whatever it was they wanted to, she was such a big girl! Someone had donated some 'pillow pals' to the hospital so they gave Riles this huge pillow duck, she loved it! That was her first Christmas present of the day since she was too sick to even want to look at hers at home.

We didn't stay at the hospital long, they gave her some anti nausea medicine and pedialite and then sent us on our way. Since we had missed our traditional family breakfast with Dave's family we still swung by Aunti Di's (Riley's babysitter and Dave's sister) where she got to cuddle with her Auntie and open a few presents there. We had a good couple hours at home and then went to David's moms for Christmas dinner. Riley was in pretty good spirits and had fun opening a few presents, then she got tired so I ended up behind a WALL of presents for her that I got to open and play with :) Riley is much better now, and was even nice enough to give me that tummy bug of hers - it sure packs a punch (that's why we're a few days late with this blog!). Anyway, I hope you enjoy the couple pictures and had a very Merry Christmas & have a great New Year!

1 comment:

RichFam said...

Oh no!!!!! You poor things. I was wondering what the deal was with that last picture in the slideshow you sent via email. The poor baby was sick in the hospital... on CHRISTMAS!

But, I guess she gave you a whopper of a Christmas present, in return! ha ha ha.

Hope you all start feeling better soon! :o)